About Us

I’m the son of a man with High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Kidney Failure. If you know any man with any one of these it can truly disrupt or even destroy any bedroom activities. One beautiful summer day in 2004, my dad and i were setting on the steps of the front porch of the house and he started to tell me how his day at the doctors had went. During that father son talk my dad told me he was unable to achieve an erection do to the medication he was on and doctor told him to keep taking meds and live or get your Dick Hard and Die!  Then tears slowly rolled down his face. I have only seen my dad cry two time in my life once when my parents separated and he moved out the house 7 the day he told me he couldn’t get his dick hard. That’s when I started this journey looking for the best male enhancement and performance for my father. During my research i found that my dad was not the only one. According to N.I.H ( National Institutes of Health ) erectile dysfunction affect about 30 million men in the United States. I can’t believe there are so many Fathers, Sons, Husbands & Boyfriends going through the same things. When i see 30 Million men, I see my father 30 Million times and I’m here to help!